crossgates master homeowners association

Your 2025 quarterly assessment is $200.00. The budget package was mailed and emailed to members. Coupons will arrive in December. 

2025 Quarterly Meetings: 
Board meetings are open and are located at the 
Grace Campus, Millersville Community Church

163 W. Fredrick St, Millersville, PA 17551.​​​If there is a topic or concern you would like to see discussed during the meeting please email See below for 2025 meeting dates. 

​2025 Annual Meeting 

​The 2025 Annual Meeting is tentatively scheduled April 9 at the Millersville Community Church. 


Capital Reserve Fee:
Important: The below notice was mailed to all members in Crossgates Master concerning a capital reserve resolution effective May 1, 2020 for all home sales. Please ensure realtors, sellers, and buyers are aware. The capital contribution is one half of the annual assessments. 

2025 Crossgates Master Capital Contribution: $400.00

Welcome to the Crossgates Master Homeowners Association website!  As a Resident of the Community, you will find helpful information about the rules and regulations that govern our Community, contact information for our management company, current happenings in the Community, and much more.

management information


governing documents

(717) 824-3071

At CAMCO, we are constantly striving to serve you better.  We are thrilled to now offer Residents with access to their very own Resident Portal.  The Portal allows Residents to view their outstanding balance, make a payment, view payment history, review important Association documents, submit architectural and maintenance requests, and much more! ​

 2025 Crossgates Master HOA Board Meetings:

January 8

March 12

​April 9 (Annual) 

May 14

July 9

September 10

November 12

Location & Time: 

Meetings begin at 3:30 pm

Meeting location: Grace Campus, Millersville Community Church 

163 W. Fredrick St, Millersville, PA 17551

Trash Removal:

Trash removal is homeowner responsibility. If you live in Millersville Borough the trash hauler is Eagle Disposal. Important information can be found through the Borough website newsletter: 

If you live in Manor Township the trash providers can be found on the Township website:

Please note, if you live in Crossgates Manor HOA the required trash hauler is A&A Refuse.

Lamp Posts:​

Lamp posts in your yard are homeowner responsibility. Please ensure all lamp posts are in working condition. If you have any questions about replacement options please contact CAMCO. 


Parking is increasingly becoming a concern in the South community. Please be courteous of your neighbors and their guests by utilizing your garage and the driveway aprons for personal vehicles. Use of the garage and driveway for vehicles allows the open parking spaces to be available for guests.

​2021 Annual Meeting: 
​​Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the 2021 Crossgates Master Annual Meeting was postponed. Please find an important mailing below. 

2020 Annual Meeting: 

​Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the 2020 Crossgates Master Annual Meeting was postponed. Please find an important mailing below. 

2018 News: