management information

(717) 824-3071

crossgates manor homeowners association


Your 2025 quarterly assessment is $285.00. The budget package was mailed and emailed to members. Coupons will arrive in December. 


governing documents


​​​​​Crossgates Manor HOA Annual Meetings:

All Annual Meetings are held at the Grace Campus of Millersville Community Church 163 West Fredrick Street, Millersville, PA. 

​The 2025 Annual Meeting date is TBD in May at 6:30 PM.

Crossgates Manor HOA 2025 Board Meetings:

Next Board Meeting:

April TBD

October TBD

All board meetings are held at the CAMCO office: 3912 Abel Drive, Columbia, PA 17512

Important Leaf Collection Information for Crossgates Manor HOA Effective October 11, 2018:

Leaf collection is not included with the HOA assessments in Crossgates Manor HOA. Homeowners may contact a vendor of their choice for leaf removal. The HOA also recommends the vendors below, please state that you live in Crossgates Manor HOA. 

1. Full Effect Lawn & Landscape Services, LLC 

        Scott (717) 371-1788

2. Broderick's Landscape Contracting, LLC

        Ron (717) 344-9449

3. Indian Run Landscaping II, LLC

         Tammy (717) 285-2750

The above information was shared with homeowners via email, including quotes for the hourly rate. If you did not receive this email please contact EAM at (717) 824-3017. Information regarding the Executive Board's decision pertaining to this matter can be found in the link below: 

Important Trash Information for Crossgates Manor HOA:

Crossgates Manor HOA does not include trash service, however, homeowners are required to utilize Casella. Please contact Casella to set-up your trash service, the fee is not included in your quarterly assessment. Please find important information regarding trash service on the link below:

Snow Removal Notice:

As a reminder, there is no definite timetable for snow removal, although based on past years our snow is removed in a very timely manner. Full Effect will not apply ice melt to driveways or walkways. This is the responsibility of each owner. Do not use any ice melt containing salt as it will ruin your walkway. For snow removal problems, particularly if your driveway was missed, call 717-824-3071 ext 502.

Welcome to the Crossgates Manor Homeowners Association website!  As a Resident of the Community, you will find helpful information about the rules and regulations that govern our Community, contact information for our management company, current happenings in the Community, and much more.
